REASON #99 For Using a Real Professional Portrait Artist
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Thursday, November 30, 2017
By Tim Kelly Portraits

Our Case Is Rare.

Having been in the photography business almost five decades, for a very long time, we've made it a practice to safeguard all of the images we create for our clients.


Having a real professional really counts – especially if something happens to any of your cherished portraits. We can hardly count how many times we're replaced entire collections due to fire, flood or whatever. Unfortunately we replace portraits a few times each year ...  some twenty or even thirty years old.


Well, we have the image files, negatives, the craftsmanship and the technology to help replace your heirloom portraits. I don't think many of the upstart photographers (that have a good camera and a cheap price) will be around when you need them in the future. Most only last a couple of years at best.


Sometimes, portraits are not lost, but damaged. UV light will fade ANY dyes found in fabric and in photographic products. Direct sun hitting you fine portrait will damage it quickly, but long, slow, indirect exposure to ultra violet light will eventually fade it. That's what happened to the canvas illustrated here.   


 Be sure to consider this important factor when you choose your portrait photographer. By the way, only industry manufactured CD's last. BURNED CD's do not. A CD should NOT BE the product of your portrait photographer.

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